My name is Kali DuBois, the sole creator behind a captivating series of adult hypnosis films, and I am reaching out today with an exciting opportunity to become part of our newest cinematic project, “Hellitosis 2”.
For those unfamiliar with the series, the first installment, “Hellitosis”, Click Here To Watch Trailer on Youtube is a tale steeped in thrilling adult horror scenes available for your viewing pleasure on Amazon. But, today, we’re not only talking about a sequel. “Hellitosis 2”, rather uniquely, is a prequel to the original story, offering a deeper dive into our intriguing world.
I’m thrilled to bring to the screen a fresh, original script, with a brand-new cast of characters and intriguing plot developments that will grip your senses. A unique blend of suspense, hypnosis, and mystique, “Hellitosis 2” promises an unforgettable experience.
However, creating films of this nature is not just a labor of love but also a resource-intensive task. While I’ve poured my heart, soul, and personal funds into this project, we’re at a juncture where we need a little more support to bring this vision to fruition.
That’s why we’re launching a donation campaign, to raise the necessary funds to complete the production of “Hellitosis 2”, as well as our other upcoming adult b-rated films. By contributing to our campaign, you will not only help sustain independent film-making but also become an integral part of a creative journey that challenges conventional storytelling. And well, hypnotic writing.
Any donation, regardless of the amount, can make a significant difference. As a token of our appreciation, we’ve set up several rewards for our backers, ranging from a shout-out in our movie credits to an opportunity to visit our set, and even a chance to have a minor role in one of our films!
Please consider lending your support to help us tell the captivating story of “Hellitosis 2” and continue creating more unique adult hypnosis films.
Thank you in advance for your generous support, and I can’t wait to share our work with you.
Best regards,
Dr. Kali DuBois Writer and Director, “Hellitosis” Series